
Defines the job manager which can help you managing submitted grid jobs.



The JobManager will submit and control the status of submitted jobs.

class gridtk.sge.JobManagerSGE(context='grid', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: JobManager

The JobManager will submit and control the status of submitted jobs.

submit(command_line, name=None, array=None, dependencies=[], exec_dir=None, log_dir='logs', dry_run=False, verbosity=0, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Submits a job that will be executed in the grid.


Communicates with the SGE grid (using qstat) to see if jobs are still running.

resubmit(job_ids=None, also_success=False, running_jobs=False, new_command=None, verbosity=0, keep_logs=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Re-submit jobs automatically.

run_job(job_id, array_id=None)[source]#

Overwrites the run-job command from the manager to extract the correct job id before calling base class implementation.


Stops the jobs in the grid.